About AVDC

We are changing the way Americans think about and support, nonprofit community-based transportation for older adults and people with mobility challenges.

Every day, from coast to coast, older Americans are stranded without transportation and every day, the answer to their needs is parked in driveways across the country. America’s Volunteer Driver Center (AVDC) is ITNAmerica’s common sense solution to bring these two together—the people who need a ride, and the people who would be happy to provide it. 

Through a national public information campaign and the forthcoming AVDC website, ITNAmerica will introduce people who are willing to help with nonprofit transportation providers who serve people who need rides.  

Watch for the official website launch in 2025 and the national public information campaign. ITNAmerica is working with the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to plan the national public information campaign. 

AVDC aspires to change the way Americans think about and support transportation for older adults. AVDC will be to volunteer recruitment what the Red Cross is to blood donation. 


Leadership Roundtable

AVDC works closely with its two advisory bodies: The Leadership Roundtable and the Advisory Council. The Leadership Roundtable provides strategic guidance from a cross-section of economic sectors (Business, Nonprofit and Philanthropy, and Government at all levels). The Advisory Council offers diverse perspectives and expertise from nonprofit transportation stakeholders and subject matter experts. 

Philanthropy / Nonprofit 

  1. Consumer Technology Association Foundation – Steve Ewell, Executive Director 
  2. NextFifty Initiative – Susan Hill, Program Officer 
  3. Grantmakers in Aging – Lindsay Goldman, CEO 
  4. National Institute for African American Health – Stacey Easterling, Executive Director 


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Amy Schumacher, Health Scientist
  2. Federal Transit Administration – Mary Leary, Associate Administrator for Research, Demonstration and Innovation 
  3. New York State Office on Aging – Greg Olsen, Acting Director 
  4. Blackfeet Nation – Steve Pollock, Acting Director of Tribal Transportation
  5. National Association of Counties – Wendy Askew, NACo Health Steering Committee member, Monterey County Supervisor, District 4

Business and Industry

  1. Salesforce – Brian Komar, VP Global Sustainability Solutions  
  2. Esri – Terry Bills, Global Transportation Industry Director 
  3. Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP – Matthew Daus, Partner & Chair, Transportation Practice Group

Advisory Council

Nonprofit Volunteer Transportation Providers

  1. Volunteer Transportation Center (Watertown, NY) – Sam Purington, Executive Director 

Local/National Organizations

  1. National Council on Aging (NCOA) – Genevieve Waterman, Director, Economic & Financial Security  
  2. California Department of Motor Vehicles – Bayliss Camp, Chief of Research 

Subject Matter Experts

  1. Jim Firman – National Council on Aging, Executive Director (retired) 
  2. Patricia Oh – University of Maine Center on Aging, Program Manager 
  3. Tom Meuser, PhDClinical Geropsychologist & Social Scientist, Portland, Maine
  4. Nicholas Giudice – University of Maine School of Computing and Information Science, Professor 
  5. Barbara Wentworth – United Way of York County, former President and CEO 
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